




Dr. Graeme Blackman AO pays tribute to his colleague, Louis Le Vaillant who, after 14 years of distinguished and committed leadership, has decided to step down as CEO of The Johnston Collection (TJC) in June 2023.

“On behalf of The W R Johnston Trust Board, I want to thank Louis for the energy, creativity, and vision he has brought to the role. He has led the organisation through numerous changes and the most challenging of times. Through all this TJC has emerged stronger than ever.”

Dr. Blackman AO continues “I have greatly enjoyed working with Louis, and seeing his passion, dedication, and creative vision to that task to make TJC more relevant and exciting to new audiences whilst retaining the more traditional ones.”

Mr. Le Vaillant’s tenure has been marked by a focus on working with contemporary artists and craftspeople.  In this way, TJC has strengthened its profile as a leader and innovator in the arts. TJC has been honoured to receive prestigious awards and numerous accolades recognising our important work in supporting artists, curators, exhibitions, collectors and collections.

A high point was achieved May 2019 when TJC gained Accreditation (MAP) by the Australian Museums and Galleries Association, Victoria providing TJC confidence to those associated with our organisation that it has proper standards and checks and balances in place to ensure an institution will operate at a high professional standard.

The Permanent Collection has also benefitted from the charitable support of generous bequests and donations from individuals who have seen TJC as a place to cherish their treasures.

Dr Blackman AO said that “COVID gave us the opportunity to connect with audiences in other ways, as we went online and virtual. Louis provided a whole new range of online lectures and virtual visits to exhibitions outside the ‘four walls’ of the museum and bring the wonders of our collection to audiences who can visit and view us from anywhere and at any time and see what treasures and treats we hold. I want to thank Louis who encouraged this leap into the virtual world.”

We will have plenty of time to celebrate Louis’ many achievements in the months ahead, in the meantime the Trust and I offer him our thanks and appreciation.

Mr. Le Vaillant will leave the role at the end of June 2023. Recruitment will begin shortly to secure a new CEO for TJC.




Kathryn Pappas

Administration and Communications Manager

p. 03 9416 2515 |

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