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2 November 2006 – February 2007

The Johnston Collection in East Melbourne is famous for its Christmas decorations and this year is no exception.

The Festively Decking Fairhall tour, which opens on 2nd November, is already shaping up to be better than ever.

Each year Victorian craftspeople are invited to create Christmas decorations with only one proviso – that they be inspired by the line, form, colour, materials and surface ornament found in Mr Johnston’s Collection. The decorations take months of planning and work by individuals and groups and the end results are truly exquisite.

This year Ballarat Groups such as Spinners & Weavers, Crafts Council, Quilters, Embroiderers Guild, CWA, Textile Network and Artists, have been invited to create the decorations.

One group has been inspired by the Johnston Collection’s Company Paintings series. Their decorations will take on a distinctive Indian feel with intricately beaded elephants drawing a hand crafted sleigh. A striking red Christmas tree bears an uncanny resemblance to the ornate sun-umbrella or chatta depicted in the Collection’s painting from the same series A Lady proceeding on a Tonjohn.

A dinner party theme will also form part of this year’s decorations with each group replicating in their own particular style, a First Period Worcester plate c.1770.
Nina Stanton, Director of The Johnston Collection said ‘I never cease to be amazed at the originality and craftsmanship that goes into the decorations. Each room will carry the spirit of Christmas. As always, our Christmas tour is an imaginative show that pushes the concept of Christmas decorations into a delightful new realm.’

The tour continues through to February 2007. Whilst it may sound extraordinary to extend a Christmas tour through to February, this is due to the great demand from visitors each year for this very popular tour.

The Festively Decking Fairhall tour provides the perfect opportunity for a Seasons Greetings get together or a wonderful Christmas gift for someone special.

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