Large and elaborate gardens were planted around the palaces of all the Islamic countries - from Spain right across to India and Central Asia. At the same time small gardens, shrubs and potted flowers graced the courtyards of more modest residences - reflecting the universal love of gardens and passion for flowers amongst Muslims. Garden themes were ubiquitous in Islamic poetry and dominated the design repertoire of all the arts and crafts.
TOURING THE ORIENT: William Johnston, Orientalism and the Arts of the Islamic World looks at the themes in the travels and collection of William Johnston is his pursuit of what has been described as the ‘Orientalist’ aesthetic. Using WilIiam Johnston’s travels in Tunisia, Egypt and northern India as a starting point, the four lectures will provide an overview of the arts of the Islamic world.
In this series of four illustrated lectures, Susan Scollay will outline the origins of ‘Orientalism’, with its artistic and cultural references to the former European colonies in Islamic North Africa, the Levant and India.
Susan Scollay is an internationally recognised specialist in textiles and carpets, and Islamic art and culture. She is a contributing editor of HALI, the London-based journal of carpet, textile and Islamic art, and is currently completing a PhD at La Trobe University, Melbourne
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