For nearly thirty-five years, The Johnston Collection has welcomed visitors to our 1860s house museum, Fairhall.

We’ve shared our love of beautiful objects through a vibrant program of exhibitions, lectures and events which have been sustained through the generosity of the community.

Our much-loved museum is moving from strength to strength. Your support will enable us to further expand our programming and share stories that inspire others. You’ll play a key role in the ongoing care and preservation of our collection and historic buildings for generations to come. Your support also means emerging scholars and researchers will have the opportunity to connect with historic objects in new ways.

I warmly invite you to support The Johnston Collection as we continue to move towards a vibrant future. 

Dr Louise Voll Box
CEO | The Johnston Collection


The Johnston Collection is a gift to the people of Victoria by William Johnston (1911-1986). It is administered as an independent not-for-profit museum by The W R Johnston Trust. The W R Johnston Trust is endorsed by the Commissioner of Taxation as a Deductible Gift Recipient organisation under Division 30 of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997. All gifts made of $2 and more, other than those made via a testamentary gift, are fully tax deductible. ABN 87 194 940 961 | ACN 075 028 287

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