Fairhall Magazine\Issue 28\October 2019 - February 2020

fairhall 28 | October 2019

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Welcome/ Hot Topic | Ambassadors /Exhibition-house Tour | Lacing Lives Together/Exhibition-house Tour | Janet Laurence Opening / From The Collection | Vizagapatam Box / Insight | Textiles at The Johnston Collection / Design File | Chasing Chippendale Part 3 / Late Georgian Fashion |  Fashion in Male Upper Classes / Insight | Anyone For Cricket /Recommended Reading | Book Reviews / Recipe | Galette De Rois / The Friends of The Johnston Collection / The Friends Events / The Friends | Chandelier Conservation Support / Opening Doors Supporters | Thanks / Opening Doors | Fundraising Appeal /Donation Form /Bequests and Donations /First Friday Book Club / Endnotes and References / Who we are in 2019 | The WR Johnston Trust