Fairhall Magazine | Issue 15 | July 2015

fairhall 15 | July 2015

$ 10.00

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Director’s Report / editor’s Report / President’s Report / Fairhall opening and events / house-museum Tour | Richard nylon / opening Doors at The Johnston Collection / opening Doors | Donate / Bequests and Donations / The Friends of The Johnston Collection / insight | The hat / staffordshire story | exotic Birds / From the Collection | history under Glass /Focus on | Porcelain Factories / insight | english Table Glass / From My Collection | Derby Figures / Artificial sunshine | Rushlights / Recipe | Yorkshire Pie / Behind the scenes | Joseph Dawson / Recommended Books | Book Review / silver society / Decorative Design and style | english Regency / Design Profile | Thomas hope / What’s on Where | smallhythe Place / ADFAs lectures / Bibliography / Who we are in 2015 | The WR Johnston Trust