WOVEN GARDENS with Susan Scollay

Wednesday 21 Jul 2010, 10:15 AM – 11:45 AM

Designs in oriental carpets – their origins and influences. The major design ‘families’ of oriental rugs and carpets based on geographic and visual differences. This session will look at designs across the whole spectrum of oriental carpet traditions: urban, village and tribal.

Susan Scollay is an internationally recognised specialist in textiles and carpets and Islamic art and culture. She is contributing editor of HALI, the London-based journal of carpet, textile and Islamic art, and is currently completing a PhD at La Trobe University, Melbourne

Rug fragment, Northwest Iran, Tabriz, 17th century, Cotton, wool; knotted pile, 120 cm x 80 cm, Marshall & Marilyn R. Wolf Collection, Toronto, Ontario

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