WHY DO WE COLLECT? with Padraic Fisher

Tuesday 11 Apr 2017, 10:00 AM – 11:30 AM

Come on a psycho-emotional romp through the compulsive pathology of ‘collector personality archetypes’ and the covetous urge to gather, assemble, accumulate and jealously protect. Through humour (and perhaps a touch of naivety), you will be taken on the ponderous journey from first teacup to all consuming obsession. Together we will explore questions such as: collector vs hoarder and ‘If an object falls into a collection, and no one ever sees it again, does it still make a sound? 

PADRAIC FISHER is Director, National Wool Museum in Geelong. A New York native, his background in arts, culture and heritage includes roles as producer, artist, curator, collector and educator. A decorative arts generalist his personal collection exceeds 2,000 objects of art and artefacts from the 11th century to the present. 

image caption: bowerbird (Open Content Image)

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