This lecture will examine themes in the urban planning of Rome in the first half of the 18th century through the prism of the topographical engravings of Piranesi and Vasi. Particular attention will be given to the development of intimate teatri in the urban landscape, particularly as reflected in the post-Counterreformation church façade.
JOHN WERETKA holds qualifications in musicology, medieval history, art history and theology and is a candidate for the PhD in The University of Melbourne’s Faculty of Architecture, Building and Planning. He has published on musical subjects in the paintings of Watteau and Pier Francesco Mola. He has also lectured on the history of music in the Baroque and Renaissance period and on art and architectural history onsite in Rome.
Giovanni Battista Piranesi (1720–1778), ‘Ichnographiam viciniæ reliquarium Teatri Pompejani‘ (detail) from Il Campo Marzio dell’antica Roma (Rome, 1762) Wilton-Ely 578
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