STUDY DAY 2012 | WHAT'S IN A NAME? with Eugene Barilo von Reisberg

Saturday 13 Oct 2012, 10:15 AM – 10:45 AM

In the first part of this introductory talk, Eugene Barilo von Reisberg draws a clear distinction between the terms ‘original’, ‘replica’, ‘version’, ‘copy’, ‘fake’, and ‘forgery’; while in the second part he reviews historical forgery cases from the late 18th and early 19th centuries.

Eugene Barilo von Reisberg is a Melbourne-based arts writer, curator, and blogger. Barilo von Reisberg’s research on Franz Xaver Winterhalter, a 19th century German portrait painter, is widely recognised, and he has contributed numerous articles and presented papers on the artist in Australia and internationally. He is currently pursuing a doctoral thesis on the artist at the University of Melbourne.

This lecture was presented as part of STUDY DAY 2012 | THE DELICATE ART OF DECEPTION | revealing fakes and forgeries held on Saturday 13 October 2012, 10.00am – 4.30pm

Giovanni Bastianini (1830-1868), Bust of Lucrezia Donati, ca 1865, marble, collection of Victoria & Albert Museum, London (originally sold as work by Mino da Fiesole (c.1428-1484), exposed as fake in 1868)

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