SPECIAL EVENT | Sketching in Fairhall with Alissa Duke

Sunday 21 Jan 2024, 2:00 PM – 4:00 PM

This is a unique opportunity to learn to sketch 'on location' at The Johnston Collection. On arrival, meet other participants and your tutor, Alissa Duke, over tea or Market Lane coffee, and become familiar with watercolour pencils and how to use them. Then test your new skills as you explore the ground floor rooms of The Johnston Collection’s exhibition house, Fairhall. Select objects in the Green Drawing Room, White Room, Blue Room, and Kitchen to record in your sketchbook, and record your impressions with guidance from your tutor.

Your ticket includes a welcome tea or coffee, watercolour pencil class, an on-location sketching experience in Fairhall, and a sketch kit to take home (comprising: sketchbook, 12 Faber-Castell watercolour pencils, and a waterbrush).

Class size limited to eight participants.

No equipment or previous experience is required – just bring your enthusiasm.

Your tutor ALISSA DUKE is a law librarian, artist and East Melbourne local who loves books: to read, to draw, and sometimes, to draw in. She sketches daily, documenting everyday events, objects, and travels in her life. She will sketch for five minutes on the tram, for half an hour while having coffee, at events, or complete a drawing over a few nights at home. Alissa carries her sketchbook, watercolour pencils and pen with her everywhere, as there is always something to draw! Her art captures the character of the objects that she draws, connecting them with the viewer. Alissa regularly leads sketching classes for small groups and her work has been exhibited around Australia and overseas.

Your ticket includes tea or Market Lane coffee and time to browse our exclusive range of books, gifts, and homewares at TJC Emporium. NOTE: Tickets for this event include access to the ground-floor rooms of our exhibition-house, Fairhall.  Guided tours of the current exhibition, A Home of One's Own, can be booked separately.

This event is supported by The Colin Holden Charitable Trust.

SOLD OUT This event is currently at capacity. If you wish to be added to the waitlist, please email visitorservices@johnstoncollection.org or call The Johnston Collection on (03) 9416 2515 and we will contact you if places become available.