JANE AUSTEN | The Consolations of Chawton Cottage with Damon Young

Tuesday 20 May 2014, 10:15 AM – 11:45 AM

What was Jane Austen doing coveting an apricot? Learn about Jane Austen’s love of gardens and philosophy of life, as philosopher Damon Young gives a reading from his acclaimed book Philosophy in the Garden, where he explores one of literature's most intimate relationships: authors and their gardens.

Reviews of Philosophy in the Garden:

“... fluent and stylish and never marred by clichés or clichéd thinking ...” -The Australian

"Reading this book is like strolling in a luxuriant garden with an erudite friend …” –The Age

DAMON YOUNG is a philosopher and writer. He is the author of several popular nonfiction books, including Distraction, Philosophy in the Garden and How to Think About Exercise. Damon has written for The Age, The Australian, the ABC and BBC, and is a regular radio guest. He has also published poetry, short fiction and a children’s picture book.

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