FABRICATING THE WORLD SERIES 2023 (2) | WEAVING THE IMPERIAL BRAND | SAFAVID PERSIA | On the 17th century AGSA ‘Polonaise’ carpet with Susan Scollay

Wednesday 3 May 2023, 10:00 AM – 11:30 AM

The Yakob ‘Polonaise’ carpet in the collection of the AGSA belongs to a type of luxurious carpet produced in the classic period of Safavid Persian weaving during the seventeenth century. The use of high-quality silk and a pastel colour palette made them attractive to European visitors to the Safavid court.

Many examples made their way to Europe, either as gifts or as commissions, and some were exhibited in the Polish pavilion at the Paris International Exhibition of 1878. This led to the mistaken belief that the carpets were made in Poland, hence the French term used to describe them, i.e., ‘Polonaise.’ The AGSA example was purchased in Paris and donated to the AGSA by William Bowmore (1910-2008), a prominent Australian collector.

DR SUSAN SCOLLAY is an independent art historian specialising in Islamic art and culture and in historic textiles. She is a contributing editor to HALI, the prestigious London-based journal of carpet, textile, and Islamic art, is a fellow of the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain, and an honorary fellow in art history and curatorship at the University of Melbourne.

Susan has lectured at The Johnston Collection since 2008 and in 2010 was guest curator of FLUID BORDERS: Ways of Seeing Oriental Rugs. FABRICATING THE WORLD | WEAVING THE IMPERIAL BRAND continues a series of lectures especially convened by Susan Scollay for TJC.

This lecture is presented on-site at TJC. Please see your ticket for details.

This lecture is supported by The Colin Holden Charitable Trust.

image caption | detail of the Yakob AGSA 'Polonaise' carpet, Iran, Isfahan Province, circa 1625-30, cotton (warp and weft), silk (weft and pile), metal wrapped thread; asymmetrically knotted pile, brocade | 266.5 x 164.0 cm, collection of the Art Gallery of South Australia, Adelaide, 20004A179, gift of William Bowmore AO OBE through the Art Gallery of South Australia Foundation 2000, Public Domain

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