Wednesday 27 Mar 2019, 6:00 PM – 8:30 PM

The Friends of The Johnston Collection along with Adrian Dickens of CircaAD Jewels and Four Pillars Gin invite you to an exclusive evening soirée of JACKIE, JEWELS & GIN. 

Join Adrian Dickens as he introduces us to some tantalising jewels from his remarkable annual curated collection of individual pieces and talks precious jewels and their crafting. Enjoy expertly distilled Four Pillars Gin classic cocktails themed to recollect the everlasting sensibility and refined aesthetic of Jackie O.

This is a unique opportunity to hear in-depth from Adrian Dickens about exquisite jewellery that combine craftsmanship and captivating designs.

There will be pieces to see and handle. All pieces will be for sale and a 10% donation for each sale will be donated to “The Friends @ 20” fundraising campaign. Cocktails and light refreshments will be served. 

ADRIAN DICKENS regularly gives talks and presentations nationally and internationally. He has managed some of Australia’s fine jewellery houses and now runs CircaAD Jewels.

Tickets include a $50 tax deductible gift donation. All donations and profits raised at this event will go directly towards the acquisition of a Bow porcelain factory, figure of Kitty Clive, England, circa 1750 to mark the milestone of “The Friends @ 20” and their ongoing support of TJC.

IMAGE : Jackie Onassis during OAS Party following the Kennedy Center Gala at Kennedy Center in Washington DC



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SOLD OUT This event is currently at capacity. If you wish to be added to the waitlist, please email visitorservices@johnstoncollection.org or call The Johnston Collection on (03) 9416 2515 and we will contact you if places become available.