EXCLUSIVE PREVIEW NIGHT 2 | A TOUCH OF CHRISTMAS | Christmas / Summer at TJC 2021 | 2022

Thursday 2 Dec 2021, 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM

A TOUCH OF CHRISTMAS will feature a superb array of original works by members from among the 11 Branches and one Country Group of The Embroiderers Guild, Victoria. 

This reimagined exhibition will celebrate some very impressive contributions from Guild embroiderers who have exhibited work from over fifteen years or so of Christmas exhibitions at TJC as well as drawing upon TJC’s own collection of pieces made especially for our annual ‘inspired by’ show. 

TJC encourages challenges to traditional making, thinking, and practice, through contemporary responses to the Collection, along with more traditional responses that reflect historical techniques, materials, and making. 

This Fairhall exhibition is generously supported by The Friends of TJC and The Embroiderers Guild, Victoria 

Join with The Friends for an Exclusive Preview Night and continue with us as we celebrate our remarkable milestone of 30 glorious years of sharing Johnston’s gift of love to the people of Victoria.

SOLD OUT This event is currently at capacity. If you wish to be added to the waitlist, please email visitorservices@johnstoncollection.org or call The Johnston Collection on (03) 9416 2515 and we will contact you if places become available.