EXCLUSIVE PREVIEW | FAIRHALL | A BOY'S OWN STORY | Summer at The Johnston Collection 2019|20

Monday 30 Sep 2019, 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM

The Exclusive Friends Preview Night for the Summer | Christmas exhibition will be another great night for The Friends to enjoy. This Christmas the installation will continue the collaboration with makers -  inviting, supporting and encouraging them to create ‘new works based on old objects.' For this year's exhibition, The Johnston Collection will commission Melbourne-based artists and collectives to create and contribute to our annual Summer exhibition.

The Johnston Collection will be encouraging challenges to traditional making, thinking and practice through contemporary responses to the Collection, along with more traditional responses that reflect historical techniques, materials and making.

This exhibition offers an ‘inspired’ interpretation of the Collection.

Join The Friends for this very special night when we are given the privilege of an Exclusive Preview of the Christmas exhibition.

This exhibition is supported by The Friends of The Johnston Collection.
Chris O’Brien and Terry Williams are represented by Arts Project Australia, Melbourne.
Trevor Smith is represented by Michael Reid Sydney

SOLD OUT This event is currently at capacity. If you wish to be added to the waitlist, please email visitorservices@johnstoncollection.org or call The Johnston Collection on (03) 9416 2515 and we will contact you if places become available.