DISCOVER The Hellenic Museum

Tuesday 19 Mar 2019, 10:00 AM – 11:30 AM

Join us as we visit one of the country's landmark buildings, the former Royal Mint building, and view the Hellenic Museum’s collections spanning over 8,000 years of Hellenic history.

The Hellenic Museum was founded by the late Melbourne businessman and philanthropist Spiros Stamoulis (1937-2007). Armed with his vision and passion, Stamoulis developed and funded what would become the Hellenic Museum. This generosity is maintained by his family who continue to be the major benefactors of the Museum, ensuring Spiros' vision continues into the future.

Now in its 10th year, the Hellenic Museum continues to grow, bringing together multiple artistic disciplines, historical objects, perspectives and ways of understanding.  The Hellenic Museum aims to present a holistic experience of Greece, Greek culture and the contribution it has made, and continues to make to contemporary society.

Join us as we visit The Hellenic Museum, enjoy a floor talk and have time to wander and explore their exquisite collections containing internationally significant artifacts, some on loan from the Benaki Museum, Greece, and award-winning exhibitions.

[image] HM est. 2007

SOLD OUT This event is currently at capacity. If you wish to be added to the waitlist, please email or call The Johnston Collection on (03) 9416 2515 and we will contact you if places become available.